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Sophomore Information

aice yellow jacket

The Cambridge AICE Program
at St. Augustine High School

Cambridge International Fellowship Centre

Click here for the Sophomore Fall Classroom Lesson PowerPoint for important information.

Click here for the Sophomore Spring Classroom Lesson PowerPoint for important information.

Hello Class of 2024!

I just wanted to send a follow up email after I visited all of the Sophomore English classes this week.  In case you haven’t heard anything from your student, or haven’t seen any of the handouts they may have received, here are a few of the things we discussed last week:

Get comfy…there’s a lot of information here!!

  1. Review of graduation requirements using the AICE Curriculum standard High School graduation requirements.
  2. Clarification of the requirements for earning the AICE Diploma Award (which has NOTHING to do with whether or not a student graduates from high school), and the fact that students WILL graduate from high school even if they DON’T earn the AICE Diploma Award (ask them about it J)
  3. Bright Futures:  Community Service hours required – 100 hours to earn the Florida Academic Scholars Award level (FAS – top award level).  If a student earns the AICE Diploma Award, and they have LOGGED at least 100 community service hours, they automatically qualify for the FAS and Bright Futures will waive the SAT/ACT score requirement AND the GPA requirement!!!!
  4. Fall Exam Session – This exam session is mostly for seniors and juniors.  Any 10th grade student who did not pass their AICE level English Language exam during the Spring 2016 Exam session has the option to re-take it during the Fall Exam Session. I provided a pink Exam Letter for students to bring home for parent signature if they are interested in ordering a re-take exam (or it’s attached to this email).  Re-take exams are at the expense of the student but payment can be made any time through the end of this school year.  Please make sure the re-take order is submitted to me by Sept. 9th so as not to incur any late fees from Cambridge. 
  5. NEW WAY TO PAY – Re-take Exam fees can now be paid online by going to!!
  6. AICE Parent Night – Is scheduled for Thursday, September 22nd at 6pm at the SAHS Auditorium.  More info. to come – but mark your calendars now!
  7. PSAT for Sophomores:  SAHS automatically schedules all 10th graders to take the PSAT.  Students will take it at the school on Oct. 13th, so watch for information about that.  Students will need to plan on taking the SAT and/or ACT during junior year for college admissions applications – so this is great practice!
  8. 9 weeks grade review:  I will run grades after the 1st 9th A letter will be sent home for any student who has 3 or more C’s at that time.  We went over the steps to take if students are not earning the grade they are capable of…starting with talking to their teacher!  Parents are encouraged to contact any teacher for whom their student is not performing at their normal level to get any help or suggestions from the teacher.
  9. AICE Student Tutors:  Students who are interested in providing tutoring to other AICE students gave me their name/contact info. by subject.  As I get requests for tutoring I will provide the appropriate subject list to the student and they will contact the AICE student Tutor to arrange a date/time/place for the tutoring.  Student tutors will get community service hours for helping!!!  Please ask your student if they signed up for this – and let me know if you do NOT want your student to be a tutor.  Please keep in mind that non-AICE students will use this tutor list too.  If your student needs extra help in any subject, please email me or have your student stop by and I will provide the AICE Student Tutor list – any time!
  10. Go to and register to see an individual student’s high school courses & grades with a comparison to where they stand for eligibility for the Bright Futures awards.

And I think that’s about it!!! 

Any questions – let me know!

Dena K. Bechtle
Cambridge AICE School Counselor
St. Augustine High School

Ph. 904-547-8533
[email protected]

Cambridge International Examinations