JROTC Textbooks and Publications

Officially, per JROTC Headquarters, “The JROTC curriculum, which fully or partially addresses a number of national academic standards – to include Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – includes course work on leadership, civics, geography and global awareness, health, and wellness, language arts, life skills, and U.S. history. The curriculum is based on the principles of performance-based, learner-centered education and promotes the development of core abilities: capacity for life-long learning, communication, responsibility for actions and choices, good citizenship, respectful treatment of others, and critical thinking techniques.”

Delivery of the curriculum is done in a series of textbooks.                 

​Unit 1 - Leadership Education and Training: The Emerging Leader is the first of four courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) high school program. This textbook supports twenty-two lessons designed for you, a first-year Cadet. The JROTC program is designed to help develop strong leaders and model citizens. As a first year Cadet you'll be introduced to content that will help the leader within you emerge.
Unit 2 - Leadership Education and Training (LET) 2: The Developing Leader is the second of four courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) high school program. This textbook supports twenty-four lessons and is written and designed just for you, a developing leader. It will be an invaluable resource as you work on your learning activities. The JROTC program is designed to help develop strong leaders and model citizens. As a second-year Cadet you'll continue to build on Unit 1 knowledge and skills, and find yourself being introduced to new content that will help you develop as a leader in the program, your school, and community.
Unit 3 - Leadership Education and Training (LET) 3: The Supervising Leader is the third of four courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program. This textbook supports twenty lessons and is designed and written just for you, a leader in your school, community, and in your JROTC program. It will be an invaluable resource of content as you work on your learning activities. The JROTC program is designed to help develop strong leaders and model citizens. As a third-year Cadet, you'll continue to build on Unit 1 and 2 knowledge and skills, and find yourself being introduced to new content that will help you develop your supervisory skills and abilities.
Unit 4 - Leadership Education and Training (LET) 4: The Managing Leader is the final of four courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program. This textbook supports twelve lessons, and is designed and written just for you, a leader in your school, community, and in your JROTC program. It will be an invaluable resource of content as you work on your learning activities. The JROTC program is designed to help develop strong leaders and model citizens. As a fourth-year Cadet, you'll continue to build on the Units 1-3 knowledge and skills, and find yourself being introduced to new content that will help you continue to lead others in your battalion.
The Unit 5 - Leadership Education and Training (Electives): Continuing Education for Leaders textbook offers a variety of content to further support JROTC core skills and abilities. There are six chapters, some to support and enhance existing program content and some to introduce you to brand new topics and content.
This is a clickable link to the most resent Cadet Reference Book. All of this data can also be found in the LET 1 Cadet Notebook.