ACT Test Scores

How can I see my scores? 

When available, your scores are posted online and accessed using your MyACT account, if you pre-registered with the provided ACT individual code.

ACT Customer Support cannot provide your scores by phone, email, chat, or fax. Once scores are posted, you may call ACT, at 319-337-1270, to ask for the newly assigned ACT ID and instructions for creating an account or adding it to an existing account.

  • Multiple choice scores are normally available two weeks after each national test date, but it can sometimes take up to eight weeks.  Scores are rolled out in batches.

2024-25 SAHS Testing-at-a-Glance Semester 2 (Draft)



    • The next ASVAB Testing will be on March 26, 2025 at 9:00 amRegistered testers, please arrive on campus by 8:45 am, and report to the media center.  Registration for this exam is now closed.
    • BEST Writing for Grades 9/10: April 1st-8th; see schedule here.
    • FCLE (Civics Literacy, Grades 10/12):  April 15th-17th; see schedule here.
    • If you are an AICE senior or a Dual Enrollment student in POSX041 or AMHX010 or AMHX020, you may sign up here to register for the FCLE, on April 17th at 9:20 am.  Sign up by April 14th at 4 pm.
    • FCLE FAQ
  • FLVS/SJVS: Students in need of an EOC will need to contact Mrs. Jasper when finished with course to setup next available test window

Please review the following documents regarding upcoming Spring Testing:

Letters to Parents

SAHS AP Testing Resources

Questions Regarding AICE Exam Testing? E-mail Ms. Eakins or call (904) 547-8511.

Questions Regarding AP Testing? E-mail Mrs. Jasper


Please allow up to 48 hours for attendance to be adjusted to excused for testing.


Email Kristin Jasper
OR CALL (904) 547-8528