2024-25 SAHS Testing-at-a-Glance Semester 2 (Draft)
- UPDATED-New Date!!!! In-School College-Reportable ACT for Grade 11, Feb. 25, 2025, click here for details
- The next ASVAB Testing will be on March 26, 2025. This is being offered to 11th and 12th graders. Click here to sign up. Register by March 14th. Please note that students who choose to test with accommodations will not be able to submit their scores to the military for enlistment purposes.
- PERT Testing will offered on Thursday, March 6th, to 10th and 12th graders, for Dual Enrollment purposes. (ACT scores from Feb. 25th will be used for 11th graders.) Click here to sign up. Register by February 27th.
- FLVS/SJVS: Students in need of an EOC will need to contact Mrs. Jasper when finished with course to setup next available test window
Please review the following documents regarding upcoming Spring Testing:
Letters to Parents
- Request for Accommodations for ACT/PSAT/SAT/Advanced Placement Tests
- FAST Reading Grades 9/10 (PM2) Letter to Parents
- EOC/Best/Fast Reading Retake Testing Letter to Parents:
Please see below for some helpful resources for your student to prepare for this next Algebra 1 EOC test administration.
Khan Academy has a 13-unit course which includes the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards tested on the Algebra 1 End of Course Exam. Students can take a 30 – 45 minute pre-test, “Course Challenge,” to help them identify standards they need to review for the EOC: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra-1-fl-best
Florida Statewide Assessments provides online sample items at https://flfast.org/families.html, and paper-based practice, as well as answer keys can be found here: https://flfast.org/resources
- Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) FAQ
- Link for Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Video
- FCLE (Civics Literacy Gr. 10/12) Letter to Parents
Questions Regarding AICE Exam Testing? E-mail Ms. Eakins or call (904) 547-8511.
Questions Regarding AP Testing? E-mail Mrs. Jasper
Please allow up to 48 hours for attendance to be adjusted to excused for testing.
Email Kristin Jasper
OR CALL (904) 547-8528