Textbook Information

*IMPORTANT Textbook Tips & Reminders

  1. As soon as you receive your textbook(s)- WRITE your full name in INK on the inside cover and the school year. Please write your name in all your workbooks also.
  2. Textbooks are checked out in the beginning of every school year and collected at the end.  YOU are responsible to return your textbooks on the specified date. Consumables, (or workbooks with no SJCSD barcode on them) do NOT need to be returned.  If you need clarification on a book, please ask media staff.
  3. DO NOT share your textbooks and DO NOT leave them in your teachers’ classrooms, unless directed to.
  4. YOU are financially responsible for any loss or damages to your textbooks. Any fees/fines you incur for textbooks will be charged to your account and will stay on your account through Senior year if not paid or reconciled.  This WILL impact schoolwide privileges, activities, and events. Please check with media staff EVERY year about items you may have overdue.
  5. Remember – each one of these textbooks were checked out to YOU. You are responsible for making sure they are returned in good condition and on time at the end of the school year.

**Florida State Statute outlines textbook responsibilities and accountability:  1006.42

Responsibility of students and parents for instructional materials.—All instructional materials purchased under the provisions of this part are the property of the district school board. When distributed to the students, these instructional materials are on loan to the students while they are pursuing their courses of study and are to be returned at the direction of the school principal or the teacher in charge. Each parent of a student to whom or for whom instructional materials have been issued, is liable for any loss or destruction of, or unnecessary damage to, the instructional materials or for failure of the student to return the instructional materials when directed by the school principal or the teacher in charge, and shall pay for such loss, destruction, or unnecessary damage as provided under s. 1006.28(3).